Bebe Saint-Amour
CEO of YourHeart Human Relations.
Astral Changeling & Runaway Godling.
ㅤWarrior, sleep.
ㅤ❝ Then how did we come here?ㅤAnd tell me, too, by what ill fortune did a Goddess turn into theWanton fool that you are now, here on this mortal world?Was it because you found your past distasteful? Or through the perfidy of some enemy?Is your vapid expression a prison or a veil?You've hinted at some mystery so many times, and aroused my curiosity...


Love, for you, is larger than the usual romantic love.
It's like a religion... It's terrifying.
ㅤfull name.ㅤ ㅤBeatrice Saint-Amour*
ㅤnickname(s).ㅤ ㅤBebe, War, (UNINTERPRETABLE ALIEN SCREECHING), God*
ㅤSpeciesㅤ ㅤXinqtaen Rex (Parasitic Alien Species from the Dawn of the Universe)
ㅤGender.ㅤ She/They
ㅤAge.ㅤ ㅤ28(,000)
ㅤDOB.ㅤ ㅤDecember 1st
ㅤPOB.ㅤ ㅤThe Dragon's Eye (Black Hole in Center of Universe)
ㅤaddictions.ㅤ ㅤAffection!
ㅤmental health.ㅤ ㅤFrayed. Milennia of living in a state of violence and abuse have altered her mental health severely. She's tried to 'fix this' upon arriving on Earth, but she might have... overcorrected.
ㅤalignment.ㅤ Chaotic Good
ㅤMost Positive Trait.ㅤ ㅤAffectionate
ㅤMost Negative Traitㅤ ㅤRuthless
ㅤfaceclaim.ㅤ ㅤMadelyn Cline (& Various)
ㅤheight.ㅤ ㅤ5'5
ㅤhair.ㅤ Blonde, upper back length, wave and full-bodied.
ㅤeyes.ㅤ ㅤA warm, honeyed brown.
ㅤphysique.ㅤ ㅤShort, curved & busty. She's a well-known silhouette.
ㅤscars.ㅤ ㅤDozens. They're all hidden, though.
ㅤProfession.ㅤ ㅤIndustry Model/Actor & CEO*
ㅤSexuality.ㅤ ㅤPansexual
ㅤEducation.ㅤ ㅤUh... She takes online courses!
ㅤTransport.ㅤ ㅤShe's very quick on her feet!
ㅤHobbies.ㅤ ㅤDancing, Impersonation, Watching TV, Baking
ㅤPets.ㅤ ㅤShe's two baby bunnies she's named 'Sleve' and 'McDichael'.
All royal members of Bebe's species have special abilities that set them apart from the lower class.Bebe's ability 'Heart Breaker' can manipulate the perspectives of themselves or others around them, so that all affected parties view reality to the parasite's liking rather than the true state of reality itself. Concepts like time, space and causality exist only because they are perceived to exist, so are these at the user's hand to be controlled, turning subjective interpretations into reality.Perspective is what links the image of an object to the object itself. Through perspective, ten thousand things can become one, intent can become action, and something unseen can cease to exist entirely.In a practical sense, manipulating perspective itself is to impose Bebe's understanding onto reality, changing it to her view. In the opposing application, manipulating others' perspectives is to superimpose Bebe's reality unto the target.It is important to remember, however, that in all cases this does not affect objective reality, and that Bebe is still very much limited to operating within a select few perspectives of those above her.

ㅤThe Heavily Redacted Story of... Bebe Saint-Amour
REDACTEDAll of it. Redacted. Bebe's history, from before she nationalized herself, has been redacted and sealed inside of the Warden Archives. Jurisdiction equaling or surpassing Galactic is required to access these files.INPUT AUTHORIZATIONACCESS DENIED.
AUTHORIZATION MISSING.Shutting down last query.Rerouting query to [REDBLADE]...Query successfully rerouted.
Locking terminal.Your location & keystrokes have been logged and passed on to the supervising officer.In the time it's taken you to read this, they've been dispatched to your location.Your grave will be unmarked.Goodbye.
Bebe tells people what she can. What she's allowed to, actually. She's been sworn to secrecy for most of it, in order to protect... something.Before she landed on Terra, she was an awful person. Someone who reveled in violence; who's arousal was linked inexorably to her bloodlust. She was the Holy Matron of Love within the Empire, and love was shown to and for her through warfare. She'd conquered planets, species, concepts all.She says she's forgotten just how many lives she's taken. She asks that you believe her when she says that.She's a new person now! She's Bebe, a trust fund girl from Brooklyn who's gone on to follow her dreams of being ridiculously good looking, and aiding any and everyone she meets along the way to achieving that dream.That's enough for now. It has to be.

a collection of NPCs that exist in the same space as Bebe Saint-Amour.

Tanith Saint-Amour
.Bebe's Divinely Evil Mother..Leader of the Xinqtaen Empire, Master Parasite & Low-Level Reality Manipulator. Tanith has existed since the inception of this aspect of reality, and as such is eldritch beyond understanding. Only recently, in the last 100,000 years has she begun siring children and unveiling her plans.

Vithalya Villalobos
.Bebe's personal assistant .Tally is Bebe's student intern! She keeps track of Bebe's ever expanding schedule, help keep her from making (much more) social faux-pas, and helps to make her seem less like a ditz fuck-up. Tally, however, doesn't know that Bebe is an Alien, and just thinks she's a weird nepo baby with too much money and too little sense... She's kinda right!

Evangeline Saint-Amour
.Bebe's Cartoonishly Evil sister..Evie Saint-Amour is The God of Conquest in the Xinqt religion. Originally working in tandem with Bebe, she absorbed most of Bebe's War duties after her sister defected, allowing Evangeline the opportunity to become truly ascended. The problem... is that she now has no big sibling to lord this over.

.No One Just Yet.Someone belongs here but I'm not sure who just yet. I'll let you know once I figure it out!
Supernova Love
ㅤmodern verse.
Bebe Saint-Amour is a false identity adopted by the Xinqtaen War God after she defected from her campaign, fled to the stars, and crash-landed on Earth.Using her abilities to rewrite her own reality, she adopted the persona of Bebe, a soft & sweet (if a bit gullible and emotional) Terran. By day, she is a model, professional sugar baby and 'CEO' of her own burgeoning business.By night she's still all of these things, but now its harder for her to see so good...Currently under joint surveillance by several First World Government Agencies, Black Bag Organizations, and Universal 'Guardians'.Head Empty or no, she's still an Omnicidal-Level Threat.
never fade away ㅤCyberpunk Verse
FOR THE FULL STORY, CLICK HERE!FOR THE TL;DR, SCROLL DOWN:Follows the Modern Verse timeline pretty closely. Instead of being found by Warden Redblade when she landed in 2023, she was captured by Militech. She was indoctrinated into a Militech Blacksite wherein her species natural abilities & scientific advancements were reverse engineered into weapons, armors and cyberware.Bebe's arrival on Earth helped fuel Militech's Arm Race against Arasaka, under the direct command of Militech CEO General Donald Lundee who... in a twist most couldn't expect, 'adopted' the alien under the guise of an orphan 'Beatrice' he'd plucked from the streets of NC.The original Bebe served Militech faithfully for 40 years. Until on his deathbed, Lundee ordered Bebe to self-terminate and offer her body up for dissection, so her species 'regenerative abilities' could be fully mapped. She obliged, of course, and died the same night as Donald, in 2050.In 2077, however, there is a girl who calls herself Bebe. She claims to be an NC native, with all the documents & memories to prove it. She works at Clouds in Kabuki, a Doll with dreams of becoming a star, she's trying her best to make those dreams come true!The problem... uh, well Night City tends to hate dreams. She much prefers nightmares.
Princess of Waterdeep
D&D verse.
"'Lady' Beatrice Hael-Aramaes Xinqt of Waterdeep, at your humble and ever loving service!"(A) Chaotic Neutral Changeling w/ the Courtier Background.Bard of Eloquence (6),
Great Old One Warlock (6).Bebe's mother was, once, a Greater Doppleganger and member of the Unseen. She was tasked with seducing a Waterdhavian Noble and bearing a changeling child to him that would go on to serve the unseen in turn. While 'Lady Tanith' was successful in her efforts to seduce and have a child, unfortunately... there were complications.'Lady Tanith' being infected with a Mind Flayer's tadpole just one week before Bebe was born. Lady Tanith was never seen in Waterdeep again. Her child was announced dead at birth, and the Noble line of Xinqt severed.Now, some 20 odd years on from such a tragedy... there is a girl, curious little thing, with ballads of heartache, wonder and the astral plane in her repertoire tearing up the Sword Coast.Her melodies are lovely, her ability to carry a tune is inspired! And yet... well, it's not my place to speak out of turn, but I could swear there's something not right about that girl.Something... alien.
Fallout verse.
"UNDER CONSTRUCTION"My echo, my shadow & me...The Zetans. Fools. Idiots. Short-sighted reactionaries that spent more time abducting humans for 'study' than actually studying them. Wielding the power to shatter a star system with a flipped switch, and yet they are routed & vanquished by apes throwing lead?The Xinqt empire, a perfect warmaking machine, would not suffer the Zetans to waste any more precious resources. And so they sent their matron of war.
Muses & Writers on this app that mean the world to Me & Bebe Saint-Amour.

ㅤVictor Priceㅤ | MadrezWarden | Handler/Friend/M-More??? |
Victor Price is never the person you want standing opposite you. A warrior honed by vengeance and a debt yet unsettled, he stands on the vanguard between them who's very veins course with madness and them who'd turn to ash if they saw the sun for what it really was.Victor was first on scene when Bebe landed on Earth. It's from his brain patterns that Bebe learned what it meant to be 'human'. More than that, it was by peering into Vic's mind that Bebe discovered 'Bebe'. Setting War aside, she left her sins behind her at his insistence, even shackling off vast swathes of her power from her reach all at his gentle insistence.Bebe owes Vic more than her life, she owes him her peace. And despite her own affinity for chaos, she wants only to bring him peace too.